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Sat, 18 Apr



Family Constellations Workshop

How to improve your relationships, turn your pain into strength, acquire a healing image of your family, free yourself and your descendants from invisible burdens, restore love, harmony and balance in your family system, transform your blockages and self-sabotage, fill your inner emptiness.

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Family Constellations Workshop
Family Constellations Workshop

Horario y ubicación

18 Apr 2020, 10:00 – 15:00

Palm, .

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Limited places - Book in advance

WhatsApp +34 612 25 90 20

If you book before April 6 you can bring a companion as a participant for free!

Constellation € 50

Participation € 20

Olga Victoria Quintana Rojas

Facilitator in Family and Organizational Constellations

What are Family Constellations for?

How to improve your relationships (with parents, partner, children, colleagues, etc.), turn your pain into strength, acquire a healing image of your family, free yourself and your descendants from invisible burdens, restore love, harmony and the balance in your family system transform your blockages and self-sabotage, fill your inner emptiness, connect with your ancestral strength, etc. Making systemic movements to loosen the knots that are within the family system, including, finding the balance between giving and receiving and taking the place within the system.


Family constellations can be helpful to people.

• Who are in problematic relationships.

• Who want a relationship with a partner.

• Who wish to free themselves from family entanglements and systemic implications.

• That they are facing important decisions.

• Who want to overcome internal conflicts, but also external ones.

• Seeking professional success Contexts in which family constellations can help find solutions.

• In conflicts and blows of fate in the relationship of the couple and the family.

• When parents, who are separating, want to find the right place for their children.

• When people repeatedly experience being marginalized.

• For people who "can't" afford to be happy and successful.

• When historical events affect the family.

• When there is harassment, frequent illness or loss of motivation among employees.

• When you have to work on disruptive interactions or events within a team before or after structural changes within a company.

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Olga Victoria Quintana Rojas

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